The day Goats invaded the GIMP

June 2, 2012

Unless you have been living in a cave for about 10 years, you know that the next big thing in GIMP is called GEGL – that library has been in development for several years and aims to be the new engine that will launch GIMP to the stratosphere of image editing (more or less…)
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May 15, 2012
I know this has been a very long time (I barely remembered my wordpress password) but here we go: a new article. Don’t expect much at that point though – if you were still expecting anything, that is.
But here is the thing: Pentaxforums has recently run a give away along the lines of “write a technical blogpost related to photography – we’ll pick the best one(s) and offer goodies up to $1000 thanks to sponsoring by B&H”.
Guess what? I submitted an entry Linux for photography, 3 years down the line which aimed to revisit my previous article on the topic. And it got selected among the 15 finalists.
Now why do I tell all that right now? Two things:
  1. if you want to help my “cause” read the article (the more hits, the higher my chances) or even better (if you are a subscriber to Pentaxforums – and any true Pentaxian should be) vote for me. Don’t tell me you didn’t se that one coming 😛
  2. this was also an opportunity to remember that blogging is time consuming, but also a lot of fun. So here is the idea: help me get a higher rank in PentaxForums give away and I’ll resume blogging 🙂 The first article will be about GIMP being invaded by goats…
 PS: no, this is not bribing: Adam (PF administrator) encouraged us to “share this voting thread with your friends, together with a link to your article”. I am just obeying 🙂

Gnome Color Manager is born

October 29, 2009

Richard Hughes is next in line to become another hero of Open Source Software for photography. After giving it some thoughts, he implemented a first draft of a Gnome Color Manager. It lives in Gnome GIT for now so it is not quite ready for prime time, but hey, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” (ref)


October 2, 2009

Two links for your consideration:

Michael Reichmann – The Leica M9, a field review

Joe McNally – a photographer’s best piece of equipment (youtube video)

Comment anyone?

Gimp 2.8 in a single window?

September 21, 2009

Martin Nordholt (interview) started a thread on GIMP’s developers mailing list saying:

We are making pretty good progress towards GIMP 2.8 which has turned into an “everything but GEGL” release. I think it would make sense to also go for a single-window mode in 2.8 and not 2.10 as originally planned.


I intend to start working on this asap, and peter will work on a UI spec as soon as he gets time. If you have objections, please speak up.

/ Martin

Obviously, quite a few people spoke up (read the thread).

This also prompted Peter Sikking (GIMP’s UI designer) to blog about the issue: why this is desirable, what are the advantages and problems, etc. Peter also introduces the “image parade” to see the currently open and recently used images. Very interesting stuff (ie: read the blog post).

While it is always good to see progress in open source software, my personal taste would have been to get 16 bits support so that GIMP gets actually *usable* for photographic work. Still, kudos to the GIMP’s team for their work and best of luck with GIMP 2.8.

(But hey, based on how constant I am at updating this blog, who am I to lecture others??)

An offer I couldn’t refuse…

April 1, 2009

A week ago, I received the following email which I (obviously) thought was an hoax – I even had to look through my Trash to find it back:

Dear Joel,

We stumbled upon your “Linux Photography” blog a few months ago and have been following your posts for some time. While your attempts are valiant, they are also somewhat pathetic – or so we feel.

We at Apple, don’t sit around criticizing others. Rather we deliver solutions. Therefore, we have shipped to your place a brand new MacBook Pro with the latest Mac OS X. It comes loaded with Apple Aperture and (as a special treat from our partner Adobe) Photoshop CS4. This will show you what state of the art operating system / photographic software can do for photographic work.

We hope you will appreciate this gift and look forward to your next blog entries.

Best regards,

XXX, Apple Marketing

Now today (and to my complete astonishment), the UPS man rang at my door and brought me a huge box shipped from Cupertino… after unpacking and plugging in, all I can say is “Wow!” – the hardware, the OS and the photography functionalities just look stunning.


At that stage, I am not too sure when I’ll reboot one of my Linux computers…

Support the Libre Graphics Meeting

March 14, 2009

Libre Graphics Meeting is happening May 6 to 9 2009 in Montréal… and needs your help, if you can. Thanks!

Click here to lend your support to: Support the Libre Graphics Meeting and make a donation at !

And if you are coming, Montréal is a beautifull city, full of shooting opportunities. So much, in fact that Popular Photography has it on its list of photo treks.


RawSpeed and Rawstudio: exciting projects

February 14, 2009

These are exciting times for photography on Linux. With Krita 2.0 round the corner and GIMP getting (some) higher bit depth functionalities in its next 2.8 version.

Rawstudio is not sitting still either with a couple of great projects down the line.

Read the rest of this entry »

G’MIC, next-gen GREYCstoration

February 7, 2009

I received an email from David Tschumperlé (interview, web) the author of GREYCstoration (blog), introducing G’MIC, GREYC’s Magic Image Converter. GREYCstoration’s capabilities (read: algorithms) have been moved to this new high potential framework: all the operations are now filters written in an easier-to-program macro language (gmic). That makes it more simple to add new custom made filters while retaining the power and infrastructure of G’MIC.

G’MIC is available here as a command-line tool or as a GIMP plug-in.

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News from Krita

January 30, 2009

Boudewijn Rempt just published a long (4000 words) blog post about the state of Krita: where it is coming from and what it is up to for the upcoming 2.0 release. Lots of cool new features that I am looking forward to play with.

Well worth reading and kudos to the team!!

PS: and in the meantime, it looks like GIMP 2.8 will have some support for 16bits / pixel. Exciting times ahead.
